Next grant cycle starts September 23, 2024




If this faq does not answer your questions, or you have additional questions and/or difficulty with the application, please email


Who is this grant for?

This grant is open to individuals & groups without a fiscal sponsor; those with a 501(c)3 as a fiscal sponsor; and 501(c)3 Organizations.

Can individuals apply?

Yes, individuals can apply but collaborative projects are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED. Individuals applying should be at least 18 years old. If you’re not 18, please find an adult or organizational sponsor who is willing to partner on your project. Please be aware that this grant is taxable income. Groups of individuals should consider this when determining who will be receiving the grant.

What types of projects are and are NOT eligible?

Grants can be used for anything from direct services, community organizing, arts & culture, leadership development, etc. Grants cannot be used for capital campaigns, endowments, for-profit businesses, ongoing events & sponsorships, political campaigns, religious purposes, and/or governmental entities.

What does this mean: “Please note, this grant is intended for those individuals, groups, and/or organizations who have not been able to secure funding and/or face significant barriers to accessing funding?”

We recognize that there are inequities that play out in philanthropy: some projects and organizations face immense difficulty accessing funding while other organizations have plenty of access. We want to make sure our grant supports those individuals, groups, and organizations that face barriers because of the type of equity work they do; who have historically been excluded from philanthropy (i.e. BIPOC communities); and/or for not having the capacity or infrastructure for fundraising.

What does general operating mean?

A general operating grant means that we will not ask you to specify how you are spending your funds. We will ask you for a simple project budget that clarifies your projected costs.


Can I choose between the written or video application?

NO, you must complete the written application, but the video is optional.

I am applying as an individual. Is there anything that I need to know?

Our grants are considered taxable income, so you will need to pay taxes on the funds.

I have a fiscal sponsor. Is there anything I need to know?

Those with a 501c3 as a fiscal sponsor should be aware of the following:

  • Fiscal sponsors & applicants will need to upload a document displaying that there is a contractual fiscal sponsorship agreement with authorized signatures from both parties.
  • Fiscal sponsors are restricted from taking more than 15% administrative cost for this grant.
  • Fiscal sponsors will also be asked to authorize (“sign”) the proposal via the online application. Fiscal sponsors will also be asked to provide an “Annual Total Operating Budget.”

What is a grant cycle?

The grant cycle is the period in which you are expected to complete what’s written in your proposal and utilize the grant award.

I see something about a “Follow Up” to my application, what does that mean?

A follow-up is an opportunity for us to clarify any part of your application that left us with questions or simply to learn more. Follow-ups will be no longer than 30-minute calls.

Who is involved?

Who are the Community Catalysts?

Community Catalysts are the grassroots leaders who encourage community members to apply for the grant, decide on the projects to fund, and provide support for the grantees once awarded the grant.

Who is the Legacy Team?

The Legacy Team is a group of grassroots leaders who decide on the long term sustainability of Elevating Equity and function as the board.

Who is the Design Team?

The Design Team is a group of 5 Elgin residents who have designed this grant and the first iteration of Elevating Equity as a whole.

Who is Hamilton Wings?

On top of being an incredible Elgin organization, Hamilton Wings is the Stewared for this grant. Find out more about Hamilton Wings.

Who is the Grand Victoria Foundation?

Grand Victoria Foundation (GVF) is the private foundation responsible for initiating, facilitating, and funding this grantmaking initiative. The GVF Elgin staff who work on this grant are Dianna Manjarrez and Steve Moon. GVF also has a long history of supporting Elgin and the state of Illinois with its grantmaking. Find out more about GVF.

Glossary of Terms

501(C)3 Organizations

501(c)3 is a specific tax category for non-profit organizations that must be approved by the IRS.


BIPOC refers to Black, Indigenous, People of Color communities.

Directly Impacted

The directly impacted individuals or communities refers to those who are actually experiencing the issues, rather than those who are not. For example, a program addressing inequities in childcare access for Latino communities being led by Latino families themselves.

Equity & Racial Equity

Equity is a condition when social identities no longer determine outcomes. Racial Equity is a condition when racial identities no longer predict social outcomes like socioeconomic status, health, education, employment, etc. For example, COVID 19 data has shown a disproportionate impact on Black and Latinx communities, a reflection of racial & health inequities.

Fiscal Sponsor

A fiscal agent/sponsor refers to a contractual relationship between individuals or groups and a 501(c)3 organization to advance the individual’s/group’s charitable work.

Grassroots Grantmaking

The idea that grantmaking is by the community and for the community, rather than decisions being made by those with no connection to the community or the critical issues facing the community.


Systemic or Structural Oppression are the historical, cultural, institutional, and interpersonal dynamics that reinforce a system of hierarchy and inequity. With respect to structural racism, this system routinely advantages “whiteness” and White people while disadvantaging Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.
